Lake Street

Lake Providence, LouisianaJan 26, 20041 Comments

There is a 45 mph limit. Then the limit quickly changes to 25 mph. Less than 500 yards later, it changes to 35 mph. They will write you a ticket for driving over 40 mph (which is actually clocked when you were in the 45 mph area. The radar will show over 40 because when they clocked you, you were in the 45 area. I was in the 35 mph area and my limit wasn’t quite 40 when I was stopped and given a ticket for driving 43 in a 25 area. There was a car on my bumper and several cars passing me at the same time. The officer was sitting on the side of the road (Lake Street) and I saw him when I stopped to turn left onto Lake Street. There is no way that I could have increased my speed to 43 mph within a few hundred yards. I had no reason to increase the speed to that limit especially when I saw the officer on the side of the road.

This area does drop 45-35-25, and also rises 25-35-45. However, motorists do get clocked in a zone other than the one they are in more often than not!
#1Mar 09, 2010Report Abuse

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