lawty fl

Lawtey, FloridaSep 08, 20140 Comments

Placement of signs approaching lawty fl is a dead giveaway as a speed trap. U.S. 301 people are still PO’d about I-95 and I-75 passing them by, those many years ago. That entire corridor is on the black list for the same reason. NOT smart enough to figure out the fact that they could cultivate quite a lot of business, as traveling people do have to make stops, if they did not elect to chase people away with speed tickets, writing tickets for no reason except greed. I could have purchased gas or a number of things there, but thank goodness I was not in need of one thing!! so now i have a speeding ticket. thank you, lawty, florida, may 100 percent of all traffic bypass your town, which is entirely possible. may the town be disenfranchised and removed from the map. TRAVELING PUBLIC: there are ways to bypass lawty florida!!!! please do so!

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