Market Street near Market Street

Wilmington, North CarolinaNov 19, 20061 Comments

In Wilmington, I’m sure everyone has seen the new Police cars in their fleet, the Chargers, the Magnums, and Mustangs, some are marked, most are unmarked. Anyway, on Market Street in the D&E Dodge parking lot, the Police have cleverly mixed right in the brand new Chargers, and Magnums that are for sale right out front. It’s actually a pretty good idea, because I didn’t spot it at first until drove by and saw the lights in the front grill. I did another lap around about 30 minutes later, looked closer and saw an officer behind the wheel sipping on some coffee. So be on the look out for this, I’ve been seeing this occur consistantly over the past few weeks, anywhere from 8:30 or so, up until 5:00am.

Dodge is now at Hendricks on S. College Road before the overpass. However, the same tactic mentioned in the previous comment still occurs there.
#1Feb 05, 2023Report Abuse

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