Mary Street near 2nd Street

Lansing, KansasMar 18, 20081 Comments

Park at school and surrounding area also only go 20 mph.


The school on East Mary St. is no longer active so there's no school zone here. The street is posted as a residential 20 MPH zone immediately after turning east off of 4th St./Hwy 7, which is 40 MPH. The Lansing police often use home owner's driveways to park just east of the speed limit sign. I find it confusing in Lansing why some residential streets are 20, 25, 30 or 35 MPH, depending on the location. For example, East Eisenhower, no more than 50 yards past the intersection of Eisenhower and 4th St./Hwy 7, is 35 MPH. But it is residential and has the same traffic and zoning characteristics as East Mary St.
#1Jul 20, 2014Report Abuse

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