Metlars Lane near State Route 18

Piscataway, New JerseyFeb 24, 20041 Comments

The Rutgers University Police Department likes to set up officers in the large dirt patches on both sides of the road on Metlars lane (where they are currently doing construction about 50 to 100 feet from the road). These patches are placed where they are hidden from view regardless of which direction you are going. At night or near the end of the month, officers parked here will follow and sometimes even tailgate cars until they have reached a parking lot or have left the RUPD’s field of coverage. Make every percaution not to exceed the speed limit here, even if an officer comes very close to your rear bumper.

This part of that road no longer exists. It was eliminated as part of the Route 18 expansion. This speed trap should be removed from the list.
#1Sep 01, 2011Report Abuse

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