Mill Road in Marion

Marion, New YorkMar 18, 20102 Comments

There is a police car (usually a sheriff) who sits in the driveway at 3580 Mill Road. There are two driveways that are connected at this address. The police car sits in this "connection" to catch people speeding in this 30 mph zone. He can also catch people not completely stopping at the Smith Road intersection where people come out onto Mill Road as well.

I cannot speak for the sheriff's, but my tolerance there is 20 over and I STILL get hellatious speeds through there! Way too fast for that congested residential strip! How about paying attention and maybe slowing down? Hmmmm-
#1Apr 06, 2010Report Abuse
They can sit in my driveway too and get speeders, I will let them if they ask.
#2Sep 14, 2010Report Abuse

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