Millwood Drive and Overlea Blvd. or Millwood Drive and Pape Ave.

Toronto, OntarioApr 06, 20101 Comments

They are sometimes on either side of the bridge. On one end (Millwood and Overlea) they park their cruiser up in the park so it looks like an extension of the bridge railing. Then they hide near the railing with the radar gun pointed down the bridge to the lights at Pape Ave. and Millwood Drive.
On the other side, they park the cruiser over on the sidewalk and sit in the little island that’s about right in the middle of the road and point the radar gun down the bridge to the lights at Millwood Dr. and Overlea Blvd.
They are not there all the time but I usually see them in the afternoons. Its a good idea to not speed there just in case.

This is a favourite when they have a quota to make. Mostly they set up in the island at the South end of the bridge, but could also be in the little hidden driveway on the right at the North end. The smart move is to ALWAYS make sure you're doing 50km as you come around the corner in either direction so you have a chance to check if they're there before cranking it up to 60. I've seen them there at all times of the day, even early morning. Not the best way to start your day.
#1May 27, 2010Report Abuse

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