Mm 48-67 north and south on I-95

Darien, GeorgiaMay 23, 20220 Comments

My wife and 3 children all aged under 8 we’re pulled over by a McIntosh county Georgia sheriff’s deputy and he pulled my wife out of the vehicle and started asking her who the drugs belonged to if they found any and she told them to search it and they put our 3 children out on the side of the interstate and they were all crying and asking why they were doing this any way he ended up giving us a ticket for a car seat because he couldn’t ticket us for anything else and he talked to us like we were scum and neither one of us have any kind of criminal record I didn’t think this kind of thing could happen in today’s world but just drive through McIntosh county Georgia and it will prove otherwise one of the worst experiences of my life with those big trucks blowing by right next to us scaring my kids senseless while these idiots dug through our van pulling my wife’s swim suits out of her bag holding them up and laughing I should have sued their asses off but I didn’t, actually scared to go back to that place.

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