Murray Ave./ E. North Street (Park Area)

Anderson, South CarolinaOct 01, 20010 Comments

This is the park in the middle of the road in Anderson. In defence of the city, they have posted signs warning of this as an area where limits are strictly enforced. Officers have a paved parking spot in median from where they can see the average driver sooner than the average driver sees them. They will ticket you for 5 miles or less over. Anderson is not currently a real "ticket town" but there is still reason to be wary here, the law is not as strict as it is in Georgia, and the law enforcement in Anderson is willing to write you for ANY amount over the speed limit. They do like to sit, lights out, on various stretches of road within the city at night. Some stretches of road have speed limits set WAY too low, where almost every driver is exceeding by 15 or 20 miles over. This is not a problem during the day, when traffic is out, but don’t come into Anderson from the south at night expecting the same speed to be OK. They will use the fact that you cannot see them, and the lighter traffic, to write you a $250 ticket! Just watch out and you should be fine. Officers drive motorcycles, and white Crown Vics. There is also at least 1 mustang in the Traffic enforcement division. Happy motoring!

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