In North Kingsville. 50 mph to 35 mph in short a distance.

North Kingsville, OhioAug 17, 20170 Comments

The police car is waiting for you. They have a few squad cars for this little village. maybe three. When I was stopped two other cars were also stopped. So the whole police force was out making (stealing) money for their town from citizens. I spoke with quite a few people in both Ashtabule and Conneaut who had been caught. I spent a long weekend in Conneaut but took a room in Ashtabula and thus traveled through North Kingsville for the WWII reenactment last August and had plenty of time to talk to people who had been burned by the police . The police have signs for 35mph through their village of North Kingsville; the trick is that the speed is 50 mph on both sides of their town. So those unaware leaving Ashtabula or Conneaut going 50 Mph and then its suddenly 35 MPH when you enter North Kingsville. The ticket was $148.

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