Northbound on I-35 just past entrance from West

Waco, TexasJun 27, 20141 Comments

Jurisdiction is the small town of Itasca, located between Waco and Hillsborough. Catches speeders entering the Interstate northbound after leaving a popular set of shops that sell Czech pastries in West, Texas.

I travel this almost daily. Itasca is actually north of Hillsboro on 35W. These guys are out all hours and will ticket for less than 5 over. Speed limit is 75. Starting from Waco to Ft Worth, the follwoing cities are all known for regular enforcement on 35W Hillsboro, Itasca, Grandview, and Alvarado Hillsboro seems to have a thing for Commercial Truck enforcement
#1Nov 27, 2015Report Abuse

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