Nuangola Rd.

Mountain Top, PennsylvaniaOct 05, 20101 Comments

Various points along Nuangola Rd. from S. Main Rd. to Church Rd. Posted speed is 30 MPH. Is enforced and there have been numerous deadly wrecks in this stretch.

yes that section of Nuangola Road is definitely filled with speed traps, but there has not ever been "numeour deadly wrecks" there. What there is there, is a local township i.e. Rice Twp. greedy for more money, writing fines. It's a shame that these towns are using their police force, to prey upon the very people they are sworn to protect. They have turned the police into mere revenue collectors. Millions $$ in fines are collected in the state of Pa. each year. This is a travesty, and a sin, and someday God will repay these officials and policement, for this theft of hard earned working family income. In effect it is a conflict of interests, because the money these people take from fines, goes towards paying their own salaries, pensions, and benefits. It has become an evil system and needs to be abolished.
#1Nov 20, 2012Report Abuse

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