NW 410 Castle Hills Banco Rd Exit Loop near Exit Number 19B

San Antonio, TexasAug 06, 20061 Comments

In San Antonio Texas the city ring road or loop, like most US cities is mostly 60 and 65 MPH. On the northern leg lies one of several little independent boroughs?. Anyway these are cash strapped and any of them can and do select fat motorists for extra cash.

The actual average speed on the Loop is between 55 and 75 MPH.

On the northern east-west-east leg of the loop lies Castle Hills, and the exit lanes off of US Loop 410, at Blanco Rd, belongs to them, ie exit 19B, which is posted 40MPH, but you cannot hardly see the sign as you exit – heavy traffic usualy. The exit is about half a mile long, and the cops sit in their cars in the usualy empty businesses that populate the side road. I guess traffic extorion IS one of the few paying businesses they have? Who knows.

Anyway they are into my pocket for $435.00.

I was behind a truck and SUV travelling way faster than me but the officer jumped me not the other drivers. He alleges I was doing 67 mph, yup speeding off the almost maxed out 6 lanes highway, sure.

when you least expect it, the cops will be waiting in the bank parking lot, or in the empty parking lot next door. We have been aware of this trap for a long time, since my husband got a ticket there a few years ago. I try to avoid taking that exit, as it is hard to stay at 40. I will go the long way around just to miss it. I always warn everyone who passes through there coming to my area of livng. I am sure that they get their quota every month.
#1Feb 08, 2011Report Abuse

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