Old Hickory Boulevard near 100 Ridgelake Parkway

Nashville, TennesseeSep 18, 20081 Comments

If you’re coming from the Bellevue area towards I-40 on Old Hickory Boulevard in the mornings, be very careful when you get to the hill. At the bottom of the hill, before the Mapco, there is sometimes a motorcycle officer hiding behind the sign for the Madison at Ridgelake apartments.

He has a handheld radar, and since it’s a pretty steep hill, it’s hard to keep it at 45 or lower. However, there’s also a school bus stop there in the mornings, and he’ll come down HARD on traffic who fail to stop for the bus (even when going the opposite direction, as there’s no median).

Just be careful when passing through here in the morning. If you pay attention, you’ll have plenty of time to see whether he’s there or not.

I know this officer and he loves this location and gets plenty of speeders.
#1Feb 20, 2011Report Abuse

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