Olive Street near Hebron Street

Saint Louis, MichiganAug 01, 20051 Comments

This is an area where the police let drivers run all over…want to test out your loud radio and speed at 60 in the 25 m.p.h zone go for it. The police are in the area like once a week, and make a stop there once a month if that.

this is definetly not a speed trap nor is prospect street where people come flying around the corner on hebron street at a good 45 when the posting is 25 however there are no signs anywhere except on the corner of hebron and olive! also, the police do their regular trips i would say at 7:45 in the morning again at 5:30 at night, only have time for this side of town when its shift change. and then lets not give tickets, lets just give warnings!! how many warnings does it take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
#1May 06, 2010Report Abuse

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