On 301 between Highland and Stark

Lawtey, FloridaFeb 11, 20112 Comments

I travel on 301 going into Georgia for many years but I mostly used my own car with the FL plate. But since I have been unemployed, I couldn’t fix my car when it broke down and I had to borrow a car from my family with a Georgia plate.

It’s true they target out of state plates, because the first time I drove through Lawtey with my family’s Georgia plate car I got tagged. I have gone through there many times for the past 10 years and have never gotten tagged. It’s unfortunate it has to come at a time I’m most in need of funds just to survive, let alone pay for speeding ticket.

Both of the cities in Bradford County, Lawtey and Stark are known speed traps, I suppose that’s how they generate their revenue, not much else in these towns that can make anything worth while.

Unfortunately I had other things on my mind while going through this town and didn’t pay close attention to the changing signs like I usually do. But of course
that’s what they count on, to nab you when you are least aware. That’s a $266 pop, all in less than 15 minutes work.

I do wish there is another way to get to Jacksonville side of Florida than through these speed trap cities.

Starke is not a speed trap. Lawtey certainly is. In addition, about 10 miles south of Lawtey is the disgraceful town of Hamption which is the worst speedtrap in the country. If that's not enough, 10 more miles to the south is Waldo, another speed trap. AAA has actually paid for billboards (that are still up) on #301 that state, "speed trap 5 miles ahead" on the north and south entrances to Waldo. he three worst speedtraps in the USA are in Fla. on #301--Waldo, Hamption and Lawtey. If they gave Fla. an enema, they'd stick the needle right in the middle of these three disgusting towns
#1Feb 19, 2011Report Abuse
I was driving south on 301 in lawtey, fl. on feb. 27th 2011, as others have stated, it's a S P E E D trap, the speed limit goes from 65 mph to 55mph to 45 mph. up to a traffic light. Even if you let off the gas, you'll be going too fast for the next speed reduction, the next and next and the cop (and I use that word loosely) sits in the gas station and clocks you as you coast to the traffic light. I swear, as soon as he sees an out of state plate his gum ball starts flashing, revenue! Billie Bob
#2Dec 13, 2011Report Abuse

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