On Lakeshore Rd. East between Dixie Rd and Cawthra Rd.

Mississauga, OntarioApr 07, 20102 Comments

They are in unmarked cars and vans with ladders on top, parked on the south side. There is a vocation school located on the north side that most people are not aware of. The speed limit is 50. Because of the school your fine is increased.

The unmarked van is indeed a Peel Police van. It belongs to the Marine Unit located in Lakeview Park Marina on Lake Ontario. The ladders/equipment on top is for ice rescue during the winter.
#1Sep 01, 2010Report Abuse
the marina unit which is in on lakefront promenade, and the community police on lakeshore between cawthra and hurontario. two police stations within 3 kms of eachother is the reason for everyone being pulled over. they were known to do speed traps at the factory across from haig boulevard, before the stop lights were put in last year.
#2Sep 02, 2010Report Abuse

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