On route 17 in NY between Binghamton and Hancock

Windsor, New YorkJan 18, 20150 Comments

Saturday of MLK weekend. Multiple highway police cars probably more then 10 along this stretch of route 17. Pulling multiple people over. I was in cruise control at the speed limit which varies from 65 to 55 along this course of road.

At one point a highway police car pulled along my car which was at 55 both on the speedometer and gps, and stayed alongside me with the front of his car barely ahead of me, he starting drifting into my lane. I assume he was trying to read the inspection and registration stickers off my windshield as my license plate indicates I am not from that area, and am an easy mark difficult to return for court date. I did not get pulled over, but he did pull over a black Audi that was probably doing about 60 in a 55 when the Audi passed me.

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