On Schopke-Lester Rd. between Old Dixie Hwy and Lester Rd.

Apopka, FloridaMay 27, 20101 Comments

There are normally motorcycle cops on this road waiting for you to come over the hill. Once you go over the hill, coming from Lester Rd. they are on the right side of the road. They have you before you realize it’s them. There are 2 or 3 side streets so sometimes they park their cruiser on one of those streets so you can’t see them. I think the speed limit on Schopke-Lester Rd. is either, 25 or 35 mph.

This is USUSALLY Orange County running radar - not the City of Apopka. Now that school is out they will probably be here more often.
#1Jun 15, 2010Report Abuse

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