On the edge of town

Elida, New MexicoAug 04, 20150 Comments

Driving on an early Sunday morning in this fair city, the speed limit drops to 35mph. after going 70. After slowing down while going through town, the lanes open up to 4 lanes and I increased my speed thinking I was getting out of town. The officer pulled me over at the 55mph sign. He was parked at another 35mph sign. I showed him my proof of insurance card. He looked at it for a second and asked which vehicle I was driving. I described the vehicle he just pulled over and I had to show him on the card which vehicle I was in. Being out of state, he asked if I wanted to appear in court to pay the fine or mail it in. Being 8 hours away, I mulled it over for awhile and said I would mail it it. The officer also kindly gave me an envelope with the towns address already printed on it. He said he gave me a break and lowered the speed on the ticket and reduced the fine. I really hope everyone slows down while going through Elida, NM as they can focus on other issues. Thanks for letting me vent.

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