On U.S. Hwy. 281 heading South into Marble Falls Just North of Town

Marble Falls, TexasMar 16, 20101 Comments

Coming from Burnet heading South into Marble Falls on U.S. Hwy. 281 the speed limit goes from 70 down to 55 right past the Goodyear store. There is almost always a police officer sitting right there to give you a ticket when you don’t slow down. Marble Falls will and does give tickets throughout the town for 6 miles over. All areas around schools are patroled and you should be going the posted speed. The other listings for Marble Falls talking about Vans that were parked in town taking pictures of cars speeding and sending them tickets is no longer in Marble Falls. It only lasted a short while because there was a dispute with TxDot and the City about it not being legal. While it was there, they Did give a Lot of tickets. But not to worry about that now. It really is a great place to live and they are really just watching out for your safety and Yes I have gotten a few tickets myself!

I am simply shocked at how deluded you are. If they were really looking after your SAFETY, they would give you warnings initially. It's all about revenue generation, plain and simple.
#1Mar 29, 2011Report Abuse

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