O’neil Street coming into town from Archer’s Lodge

Clayton, North CarolinaMay 09, 20022 Comments

Coming into town on a country road uphill with a sharp curve the speed limit is 55 then changes to 45, within 100 feet it changes to 35, then another 100 feet it changes to 25. With a sharp drop in the speed and you’re trying to gain momentum going up a hill they are bound to catch you. They list these in the paper each week and they get at least 10 people a week. And they don’t sit and wait for you. All they have to do is drive by and they’ll turn around and catch you. Also another reason this is a trap, a former official of the town lives on this street.

Almost any location within the jurisdiction of the town of Clayton, NC, can be considered a speed trap. This has been alleviated somewhat with the opening of the 70 Bypass. I would recommend that travelers not pass through the town on either 70 or 42 if possible. In addition, the NC Highway Patrol is currently having internal problems resulting in the resignation and dismissal of several troopers for misconduct. If you are an attractive young woman, you can be pulled over for no reason other than to relieve the local, county and state officers' boredoms. Additionally, the stretch of 70 north of the Neuse River is frequently patrolled by the State Troopers.
#1Jul 09, 2010Report Abuse
I accidentally hit 'No, this is definitely NOT a speed trap.' It definitely is.
#2Oct 09, 2010Report Abuse

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