Palmer Road, across from Full Gospel Church

Westland, MichiganJun 24, 20141 Comments

The officer sits there every day, and stops car after car. He must write about 50 tickets a day!! Awful…

Made right turn at stop sign from Hannan north to Palmer East. Let car eastbound on Palmer proceed made turn and followed car to next stop sign 2 city blocks east. Was 3rd car at stop. Suddenly Westland Police car sped out of lot across street. Allowed me to stop at stop sign and put on his flashers. Asked if I knew why I was stopped? Replied with "no clue". Stated that I was going 41 in 25 zone. Please, 12 year old rusty min-van does not accelerate at that rate in less than 2 city blocks, especially with 2 cars in front.
#1Oct 08, 2015Report Abuse

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