Ranch Road 12 approximately 1.5 miles west of I-35

San Marcos, TexasSep 08, 20112 Comments

When traveling eastbound on Ranch Rd. 12 from Canyon Lake/Wimberley, the road, as very common in the area, is a 2-lane that curves sharply with many rises and dips throughout the hilly countryside, and despite the limited view and the presence of scattered buildings and driveways/sideroads, the speed limit is consistently 60 MPH. Just a few miles west of San Marcos, that road splits into a brand new divided 4-lane, much smoother and straighter with guardrails and no hint of civilization. If you are depending on a GPS that hasn’t been upgraded, you may miss the speed limit sign while pondering the screen as you watch your intended route drift off to your left and showing you are not on a road at all! Do not depend on intuition though, because although any reasonable driver would perceive the conditions of this road to be 60 or even 65, it’s 55! And that’s where they get you. As you crest a low hill just in time to view a glimpse of the town, they’re waiting, and they stay plenty busy. They will not listen to reason, and they’re very rude. Rest assured, this trap has nothing to do with public safety, but is a convenient and corrupt opportunity for this town to generate revenue. It may as well be a super highway for grannies and farm equipment.

That section of RR12/Wonder World Drive is ABSOLUTELY a speed trap! San Marcos is NOTORIOUS for setting speeds five MPH lower than "normal" and nailing people who are unaware. Do not expect more than one speed limit sign at the beginning of the zone and woe unto the person who turns onto the zoned street from a side road... Watch for Hays County Sheriff deputies, Constables and deputies, Texas Highway Patrol, city motorcycles and some unmarked something or others that who knows (until too late) who they work for...
#1Oct 01, 2013Report Abuse
That section of RR12/Wonder World Drive is ABSOLUTELY a speed trap! San Marcos is NOTORIOUS for setting speeds five MPH lower than "normal" and nailing people who are unaware. Do not expect more than one speed limit sign at the beginning of the zone and woe unto the person who turns onto the zoned street from a side road... Watch for Hays County Sheriff deputies, Constables and deputies, Texas Highway Patrol, city motorcycles and some unmarked something or others that who knows (until too late) who they work for...
#2Oct 01, 2013Report Abuse

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