Redrock Road north of town just north of sign change to 40

Reno, NevadaNov 04, 20100 Comments

It’s about 8 miles out after you exit 395 at the Redrock exit. Years ago the road changed to gravel just after passing Antelope (northbound) and the posted speed went from 50 to 40 at that pavement change. Over the years the road has been paved, miles and miles of shoulder improvement have been done, guardrails installed but the county just won’t match the 50 mph of the afore mentioned paved section. So…the local deputies have a "feeding frenzy" in the first long straight section after the change to 40 mph. They are able to "shoot fish in a barrel" because 80% of the residents using the road drive at a reasonable and prudent speed and usually don’t even slow down when they see a deputy, everyone thinking how stupid it is not to have changed those signs yet! People are looking into the matter, in the mean time slow down and don’t give ’em your bucks!

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