Riverside Drive near Walker Road

Windsor, OntarioDec 02, 20071 Comments

Near the Walker Brewery Complex, a motorcycle cop was hidden, facing traffic westbound. Nearby another motorcycle cop was hidden facing traffic eastbound. They each pulled over a vehicle around the exact same time same time going in opposite directions.

Well on another note, it is not just radar to be aware of here, If approaching the Walker complex from on east bound Riverside Drive the road is reduced to 1 lane from 2, the outside lane is designated as a right hand turning lane to Devonshire. During rush hour as traffic backs up there is always patrols, usually two that ticket vehicles if they fail to merge and fail to turn right. Quite often these patrols hang back qute a distance on Devonshire. Personally applaud this enforcement but be aware.
#1Mar 12, 2010Report Abuse

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