Roosevelt between 59th & 51st

Phoenix, ArizonaSep 04, 20140 Comments

Just got into town from California 8:30 p.m. on a Thurs night. In Phoenix for our granddaughters birthday. We checked into our hotel then went out to find a place to eat. It was already dark outside. We turned onto Roosevelt off of 59th. All of a sudden in the middle of Roosevelt a cop’s motorcycle lights are turned on right in front of us. The speed on that street is 25 mph. There were industrial buildings on one side of the street and empty fields on the other side. Being new in town and not seeing the speed limit sign who would have possibly guessed a speed limit of 25 would be on a street with industrial buildings on one side and empty fields on the other. The following day we went by a high school and the speed limit was 35. Really…… and by Industrial buildings and empty fields 25 mph. During the period of time the cop was writing us a ticket another motorcycle cop came up. She said to him “from California?” He said “yes.” California drivers beware. Make sure you know the speed limit on every street in AZ and don’t go over it. Cops are laying in waiting for you.

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