Schoettler Valley Dr.@Highcroft near Chesterfield pkwy

Chesterfield, MissouriSep 14, 20102 Comments

The police like to sit high up on either hill on Highcroft where Shoettler Valley crosses Highcroft and watch for stopsign runners.
They also like to sit on Schoettler Valley Dr. itself on the hills leading down to and up away from this intersection looking for speeders.
The speed limit is on 20 mph.
Lots of money made here!!!

The speed limit is 25 mph, not 20. We residents on this street appreciate the help from police to keep drivers compliant to stop signs and speeds.
#1Feb 05, 2011Report Abuse
"The speed limit is 25 mph, not 20. We residents on this street appreciate the help from police to keep drivers compliant to stop signs and speeds." Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.
#2Feb 15, 2012Report Abuse

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