Slauson Avenue near Santa Fe Springs Road

Santa Fe Springs, CaliforniaJan 25, 20071 Comments

Both east and westbound traffic at morning and evening rush hours. Mainly High speeds ticketed (15 mph over limit), but anyone is a possible target. Motorcycle officer often parks off of RR crossings.

I work near the corner of SFS Road and Slauson Ave., and a policeman often waits at the wide truck driveway just east of the RR crossing on Slauson in the mornings with his radar gun. I have spoken to him, and he says his threshold is 10 mph above the 40 mph limit, NOT 15. I have seen him pull over 10 to 15 people over in an hour. In the afternoons, he often waits in the parking lot on the westbound side of Slauson just west of the RR crossing, in the shade of a building, where he cannot be seen until you are upon him.
#1Mar 30, 2010Report Abuse

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