South Market Street/Rt. 114 (just inside borough line)

Mechanicsburg, PennsylvaniaSep 08, 20100 Comments

On South Market Street just inside the Mechanicsburg/Upper Allen Township line a borough officer, usually in an unmarked, silver Ford Explorer Sport Trac SUV (basically looks like an Explorer with a pickup truck back) will sit on the sidestreet right beside the Immanuel Baptist Church. The speed limit changes from 35 mph outside the borough to 25 at the borough line, and borough police usually get a good haul every time they station there..usually once or twice a month. Often park during rush/school hours to pull over speeding teenagers. Sometimes the Sport Trac or a standard marked car will park up the street, more towards Market and Elmwood, again looking for cars to not catch the speed limit change entering town. Again, if you see the Silver Ford Truck, beware!

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