Southbound 121 near Stone Meyers

Grapevine, TexasFeb 25, 20112 Comments

As 121 exits off of 114 the road construction ends and 121 widens to 3 lanes. There will sometimes be a cop sitting just past the bridge railing that is just past the overhead (I think that is the exit for 360). Typically they are on motorcycles. They love this spot because people have been stuck in that road construction traffic so when it ends, the road widens, cars naturally ramp up there speed to get around slower moving traffic. You typically don’t see the motorcycle cop until he has already been able to play laser tag with your car.

This is not just a speed trap, but a giant revenue producer for Grapevine. The motorcycle officer did not even have his radar in his hand, and pulled me over as his next victim. His figures for my speed were totally made up. You cannot win this type of ticket. Not a single dime of mine will be spent in Grapevine, therefore, making up in lost tax revenue, which will more than offset the fees they will charge me for deferred adjudication. I boycotted Sears for over 29 years, so boycotting this city will be very easy! Spend al of your money in other cities!
#1Jul 10, 2011Report Abuse
The speed limit at this point has been 60 MPH for a very very long time. And as for the previous comment: there could have been another officer who checked your speed and this officer who stopped you did only that. Happens all the time.
#2Sep 05, 2013Report Abuse

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