State Highway 24 near US Highway 301

Waldo, FloridaMar 28, 20061 Comments

Turning slight right onto FL-25 from US-301 speed limit changes from 35 to 15 with an officer sitting there with radar and gets your speed before you get to the posted 15 mph. Then hits you with a double charge because it is a school zone. There is no chance to slow as buildings block the sight of speed zone until you are on top of it.

This seemed to be a pattern, reading this site. This happened to me resently. We never saw any signs until we got to the Police officer sitting at the flashing light, which just appeared. His car was blocking the sign, an as we came around with other traffic, we were cited. Has anyone ever tried to fight this, or is it a waste of time?
#1Mar 06, 2011Report Abuse

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