State Highway 281,going north into Burnet ( from Johnson City) South West of Austin.

Burnet, TexasJun 16, 20032 Comments

State Highway 281,going north into Burnet ( from Johnson City) the posted speed is 65 and then just before you get to the little airport the speed marker, which is hard to see, drops to 45, right at the city limits. I have been popped twice and I have friends who have also been popped for the same 55 or 65 in a 45mph zone. We go down to the Kerrville Folk Music festival and they plan for that time of year when they think a lot of people from Austin will be traveling that route.

Go another way. Hwy 16 is more picturesque and has some twists and curves that are entertaining.

Well first of all the speed limit is 70 during the day and 65 at night. If you were paying attention you would have noticed the big white with black numbers that say 55 at the top of the hill as you are coming into Burnet way before the 45 mph sign.. Second if you been stop there once before for speeding then don't you think you might slow down the second time..... So slow done and I bet you don't get stopped for this anymore.
#1Oct 18, 2010Report Abuse
Yep should have learned the first time. People just think it's their right to speed. Tired of out of towners. Read the signs. No excuses
#2Nov 09, 2013Report Abuse

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