State Highway 288 near Town boundaries dot the Interstate, so there are more than one place they hide!!

Iowa Colony, TexasJun 06, 20073 Comments

Local enforcement for small rural community. Watch out, they have cowboy hats and a “courthouse”” that’s a single-wide trailer enclosing a cafeteria table with a cash register at the end! Seriously!”

All the above is true. Iowa Colony was incorporated for the sole purpose of a speed trap. The village designed its boundaries specifically for ticket revenue from Interstate 288. Fact: it has five short areas (fingers) of its city limits that cross over 288. Each finger has a patrol car waiting to pull over any car. Police make a post stop determination as to what the ticket will be. In fact; many times Iowa Colony police don't even know what they are going to write a driver up for until after they are pulled over. Texas State Law now prohibits the amount of revenue these "non-existent" cities can charge; however, they continue to operate unchecked. There is nothing in Iowa Colony except the Cattle Barn/Police BBQ Station combo metal building. They have no streets, curbs, fire, hydrants, not even a gas station. When you Google map Iowa Colony you get the photo of a cow pasture. This is because there is no Iowa Colony…. Only rural country side. When I say Cattle Barn/Police station; it’s no exaggeration. There are literally cows on one side and police cruisers on the other. No joke....except on you. They hold court on Tuesdays and Thursdays only, so the judge and bailiffs can drive in from Houston. None of them live in Iowa Colony. The Judges podium is actually on rollers so they can wheel it into the big BBQ kitchen. All the courtroom chairs are metal fold out cafeteria chairs. They fold up the BBQ benches during court sessions. Then the Judge actually barters with the public much like “The price is right”. Its something everyone should see in their lifetime. This is the real life Possum Court. Granny Clampett would love it.
#1Dec 15, 2009Report Abuse
That speed trap is long gone. The court was in the gym. Possum Court? Who cares? It's Texas. Nobody ever got a ticket for nothing.
#2Nov 11, 2010Report Abuse
Iowa Colony is back again so watch out! i would like to get some info how they got shut down before and what state laws prevent them from collecting fines again. They still have this same court with no court bench for judge just a fold up table and chairs. They started up here in iowa colony in 2013. same village trying to call thereselfs a city again
#3May 26, 2015Report Abuse

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