State Highway 35 near Pecan Meadows

Bailey’s Prairie, TexasJun 04, 20081 Comments

Bailey’s Prairie is a small village of 700 people just west of Angleton on State Highway 35 headed towards West Columbia. The road was recently widened to four lanes and the speed limit is 60, decreasing to 55 as you enter Angleton from BP. DPS frequents this road basically EVERY morning, clocking people who think they can do 70.

My point, Mister "comment on every local speed trap with some kind of condescending message", is that the highway was built to higher speeds - it could be 70 BUT we are in a EPA Chokehold which in the end, benefits law enforcement (wait, maybe you're one of them, or you're just another arrogant egotistical fool with nothing better to do with his life) because the speed limits are artificially lower! Take Highway 35 in that area: Four lanes, and the speed limit is only 60 - when there are roads in other areas (with the same features, obstacles, etc.) that are 70 and higher. This road ALSO (since I first posted this original speed trap now jumps down from 60 to 45 (although with plentiful warning), WAY before you get into any development. PS: You forgot to comment on Sweeny's speed traps!
#1Sep 27, 2013Report Abuse

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