State Highway 409 near Exit Number Terminal 1

Mississauga, OntarioJun 01, 20070 Comments

As you are on the 409, and are exiting to Terminal 1 towards the airport, the speed limit will drop from 80 to 60, and then 50. The 50 speed limit sign will be on the inside of the left downward-sloping curve, and as soon as the road straightens out, on the far left is a large paved run-off area, where there will be 1 or more police cruisers with radar guns aimed at you. If you do anything over 10 over they will give you a free speech about speeding, switching lanes, and not checking blindspots, along with a nice ticket.

The officer that stopped me was very kind and dropped my ticket from 34 over to 15 over. He even showed me the gun that stated that I was doing 84km/h.

Watch your speed and don’t let the government steal your money with these shady and unproven practices!

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