State Highway 9

Chesterfield, New HampshireJun 08, 20071 Comments

The very small quaint hamlet of Chesterfield located in the Hills of Hinsdale has an inordinate number of Police Cars for their size 4 possibly 5 at times, and Rt 9 into Keene, a College Town, conveniently runs through the edge of town. Beware of only side road to the right. Believe from discussing it with locals this is their top most revenue generator, and the number of cars per capita lends credence.

This is just wrong... That road is littered with side roads, which cops do sometimes sit in. Not one part of Rt. 9 touches Hinsdale, nor are Chesterfield and Hinsdale related to each other. There are no more than 2 chesterfield cops on at a time, and they are by far the most forgiving policemen I have dealt with, if you get pulled over you have to 1. be from out of state and 2. be going over 70.
#1Mar 24, 2010Report Abuse

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