State Highway us 23 near osborne Road

North Liberty, IndianaMar 06, 20081 Comments

from osborne rd (approx. 3/4 a mile from the small town)the highway turns into a 45 mph zone. the cops park about half way between. sometimes in church parking lot but often park on side of the road, only inches from the white line. ive seen them actually parking over the line and ito the roadway. (placing anyone driving in that lane in great danger.) they pull you over if your 1 mph over, basically to see if you might have been drinking or something else. i know of a few people including myself who were not drinking and so, were given "warnings" as there was nothing to get us on.

This used to be a great bunch of cops back in the 80's. Then that weasle Roseboom hired on and started sleeping with guys wives. What a coward. I'd still like to kick his ass if he'd quit running like the bitch he is. Screw you pigs.
#1Apr 15, 2010Report Abuse

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