State HYW 164 From Sussex to State HYW 190

Sussex, WisconsinMar 17, 20101 Comments

Since the state in it’s infinite ignorance changed HYW 164 from a 2 lane, 55 mph to a 4 lane divided they dropped the speed limit to 45 mph. Now Waukesha County increases it’s income along this entire stretch. You can find them night and day in the medians, on the shoulders, dead end turnouts, and subdivision drives. If you see one don’t assume you won’t find another farther down the road laying in wait.

Beware: The counts could potentially be incorrect. I accidently clicked on "No, this is definitely NOT a speed trap," and it incremented to (2). I believe it IS a speed trap, so I didn't want people to think that it is not. SORRY!
#1May 11, 2010Report Abuse

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