State Route 30 West near Ship Inn

Exton, PennsylvaniaMar 31, 20060 Comments

This is the school crossing across from a Catholic school on Route 30 West, by the intersection of Ship Road and Route 30 in Exton, PA. This is the Sts. Philip and James School. The light indicating a need to slow down to 15 mph was on, but was very faint and was not easily visible. I was going 20 mph because the person behind me was pushing me and I would have been rear-ended if I had not gone 20 mph. No children were in sight at this time and it was late in the afternoon. The patrolman at the side of the road stopped me but did not stop the car behind me and I got a ticket for over $100. Now when I go past this site I put the flashers on so others behind me will know to slow down. Another way to avoid this trap is to go on Swedesford Road at this time of day; this other road parallels Route 30 West.

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