State Route 59 near Town of Freer

Freer, TexasSep 02, 20061 Comments

City police will stop you for anything over the 30MPH speed limit and it is subject to DPS with thier LASER! Coming into town from the west to east the speed limit goes from 90 to 55 to 40 to 35 and then to 30 with not much deceleration time between them.

Freer is not a speed trap, and "US 59" is not a State highway. What Freer is, is the convergence of three highways in a major drug-trafficking corridor. This convergence creates a bottleneck where Federal, State and Local Police attempt to interdict drugs. Drug runners also routinely ignore traffic laws, so it's not difficult to get stopped. What NEVER happens is a driver being ticketed for speeding less than 10 miles over, unless there is something more involved. That rule does not pertain to the School Zone where "0 tolerance" is the rule. Our children are precious to us so SLOW DOWN! Anyone who thinks the Speed Limit on US 59 is "90" anywhere in Texas, try that out on a Texas State Trooper. He'll be more than happy to advise you on the error of your ways. The speed limit drops from 75 to 65 then 55 approaching Freer from any direction, before you ever reach the City Limits, according to Texas DOT rules and the distance between decreasing speed limit signs in Texas approaching any town is set by the State, which also installs and maintains them, and not by the City or County. Obey the traffic laws, and have a nice day...
#1Feb 15, 2011Report Abuse

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