Suder Avenue between Alexis and MI state line

Toledo, OhioApr 21, 20101 Comments

Washington Twp police will sit in a church driveway entrance, just North of Alexis, so when you come over the hill, heading south, they can grab you. They will also sit in one of the entrance’s to the industrial park to catch you coming over the hill in the other direction. They will sit in one of these places day or night (lights off at night). They will also sit in the Shoreland School bus drive at night with their lights off.

yes this is a speed trap they do sit just north of alexis rd. on suder i was coming south on suder there was a car coming up on me fast i was doing 19 / 20 in school zone they stop me i said for what you were doing 25 i said your nuts i had my gps on and i showed the ass hole the speed on it it read 19 now what about that other car coming up on my back thats the one he should of stop him now what are you going do sir he said you go on your way sir i would not win this case so when they should stop you look at your speed and look at whats coming from in back of you the rader cheats people and i should it to him in court he would of look like a fool for sure !!!!!! true story speed traps fans toledo ohio
#1Nov 20, 2010Report Abuse

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