Taconic Parkway

Ancram, New YorkMar 01, 20021 Comments

Reliable accounts of 2 middle-age men pulled over in same area on same weekend. Both knew the troopers sometimes haunt that stretch and so were alert, watching front and rear on open, lightly travelled stretch in sunny conditions–one using a Whistler detector. Neither can explain where the troopers came from or how they clocked speed. One had been following 1/2 mile behind a trooper at 55 for 2 miles when another tore up behind him and pulled him over, said he’d clocked him doing 73 up a hill. But victim said he never had a black car behind him in 10 miles. Inexplicable.

That's the trouble with new radar and old radar detectors. Probably it was one of the new stealth models. Doppler allows for tracking movement from movement. Now there are plenty of detector models out there that would have picked this up.
#1Jan 27, 2015Report Abuse

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