the infamous Washington Ave. AKA county rd. 529

Dunellen, New JerseyJun 19, 20100 Comments

As everyone has previously posted it’s a nasty trap being that there is a huge drop of the speed limit from Greenbrook going southbound into Dunellen on such a large 4 lane divided roadway not to mention that it’s just after a previosly intersection with a traffic light 🙁 You have at least 2 things going for you though; a.) there are only a finite number of places that either a Dunellen or neighboring Greenbrook patrol vehicle can sit and hide and b.) the wide open geography also works to your advantage in that you can see them just as easily as they can see you-and for quite a distance at that being that no one is allowed to park on either side for a good stretch it 🙂 One such place Dunellen has hid is on the northbound side just before the start of the larger bridge pointing perpendicular facing the road on a driveway precisely on the Dunellen line, it’s right at a sign that says "leaving Dunellen" and it’s much larger than what is shown on Google maps streetview. It’s a real nasty one being that if you’re going southbound into Dunellen after the rediculous speed limit drop you would have no practical way of seing the cop before it’s already too late being that the car is well obscured by both the guard rail of the bridge along with the previously mentioned sign. Remember I always give precise locations and times of speed traps and not any obnoxious scare tactics like "they’re out there and watch out or they’re gonna getcha" kind of crap ! Precise time & location of previosly mentioned hiding spot was April 20th, 2010 about 3:00 P.M. at 40.598089, -74.469594 with a marked Dodge Charger.

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