U.S. Hwy. 422 East in Exeter Township

Reading, PennsylvaniaDec 24, 20092 Comments

Just past the new Walmart Supercenter the road drops into a “valley.” At the bottom of the “valley,” on the right, is a used car lot and it’s right around there that the Reading cops sit. Posted speed is 45, and everyone goes 60.

I was given a ticket going down this hill about 10 years ago. I am not a person who speeds. However must admit on this day I was, the problem is going down that hill it is easy to find yourself going faster then you should. It's one of those places that by the time you realize it and start to break if the police are there it's to late,as it was for me that day. My son is a police officer now and while in training he would sit there and be the tip off person. This was my first ticket, I had been driving for 47 years.. However the officer would not give me any kind of break. Was i speeding-Yes Should I have received the ticket-yes could the officer have been nicer? YES since I had a clean record. This is a trap in my opinion, however the fact remains--SPEED KILLS_DON"T DO IT!
#1Feb 24, 2012Report Abuse
I was given a ticket going down this hill about 10 years ago. I am not a person who speeds. However must admit on this day I was, the problem is going down that hill it is easy to find yourself going faster then you should. It's one of those places that by the time you realize it and start to break if the police are there it's to late,as it was for me that day. My son is a police officer now and while in training he would sit there and be the tip off person. This was my first ticket, I had been driving for 47 years.. However the officer would not give me any kind of break. Was i speeding-Yes Should I have received the ticket-yes could the officer have been nicer? YES since I had a clean record. This is a trap in my opinion, however the fact remains--SPEED KILLS_DON"T DO IT!
#2Feb 24, 2012Report Abuse

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