US 65 in and around Lake Providence

Lake Providence, LouisianaMay 29, 20181 Comments

This is a tiny town that has no reason to exist for any reason other than by a lake and farming. It has US Hwy 65 that runs north and south connecting Pine Bluff, AR to LA Interstate 20. I have driven this span for about 4 years every 6 months and am well aware of the tickets issued for speeding in this area. April 2018 heading north of Lake Providence towards Arkansas about 3 miles south of the border it was early in the morning, no traffic on the road, only an abundance of wild animals especially skunks crossing the road as it is an area of farm land. Drove upon a large road kill animal with probably 7-8 huge black crows one hitting my windshield. I was really rattled. After that I was not paying attention to my speed and was pulled over from local sheriff driving opposite direction. The deputy told me I was speeding and who knows, I probably was. I was given a ticket for 73 in 55. I’m 66 years old with a clean record. The regular fine for this citation is $238.00, but I’ve received a letter from the parish DA office stating all I had to do was fill out their little “Traffic Education/Diversion Form” which consists of 12 state laws, and put my initials by each statement that I had read it, sign the form and return my INCREASED fine from $238.00 to $368.00 in the form of money order or cashiers check to: 6th Judicial District Attorney Traffic Dept. in Lake Providence. And no points…but infraction will be listed instead of speeding to “improper parking”. So no driving school, no nothing else, just give us $368.00. I would have to say I just got financially raped. From now on when I drive south from Arkansas, I will cut across north of the Louisiana border at Lake Village, Arkansas across to Mississippi and down to Gulf Shores that way completely bypassing not only this area, but avoiding the entire state of Louisiana.

I find it odd. I was recently pulled over in the same spot and was also cited for 73 in a 55 as well. What are the odds? I do like how difficult they make it to actually pay ticket. It's almost as if they want you to get frustrated and not pay it so they can tack on more costs to the fine. The ticket I received has no web address, no phone numbers, no physical address and a ticket number that's over 20 characters long. It's insane.
#1Jun 15, 2020Report Abuse

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