US 67 Northbound and Southbound through city limits

Miles, TexasJul 11, 20103 Comments

Traveling either direction on US 67, speed drops to 45MPH when entering city limits of Miles, (population 700 during events). Heavily worked by newly acquired city police with two cars as well as County Deputy Sheriff, State Troopers night and day for the obvious revenue collections.

Local P.D. Does lots of narcotics long as you obey all traffic laws you will not have a problem in miles. Local P.D. officers are very Professional.they are doing a great job!!!
#1Sep 29, 2010Report Abuse
Two DPS officers and a Runnels county sheriff's deputy did a fine job of operating this speed trap and controlling local drug operations. Then, Miles officials realized that they were losing a lot of revenue and decided to hire two local officers to fatten their coffers. On two Fridays, that I am aware of, I observed two DPS officers, both local officers and one or two sheriffs deputies stopping anywhere from two to four motorists at one time, for a period of about an hour. Five or six officers patrolling one mile of US 67 is a little overkill. While it is agreed that speed laws should be enforced, it shouldn't be such an obvious speed trap. Spread it out during the week so folks won't be afraid to shop or pass through Miles.
#2Jun 01, 2011Report Abuse
This is definitely a speed trap with the speed limit dropping from 75 mph to 45 mph in a very 'rural-like' (i.e. - hardly residential/town-like) environment...Similar looking places would normally have something like a 55 mph limit posted in an area like this. It would be interesting to see if they were in violation of regulations prohibiting posting limits below what a 'reasonable speed' is as measured by traffic surveys that are supposed to be periodically conducted
#3Mar 29, 2016Report Abuse

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