US Highway 11 & 34 near New Car Wash

Wolfe City, TexasFeb 26, 20061 Comments

There is an officer that will sit blacked out in this area and stop you for 1 mph over but write you for 10 or more over I got stopped the other night and was issued a ticket for 80 in a 45. When I saw the cop car I looked down and I was only going 50 and my passenger was a witness. I know 50 is still speeding but I wasnt going 80. It is one thing to give a ticket for the actual speed over but making up something is different.

This was BEFORE the police cheif was sent to federal prison for a variety of offences. The officers we now have are a very good group and things like that are in the past. I would still make sure you are abiding by the speed limit signs but if you miss it by 1 or 2 mph you will probably get through okay.
#1Apr 17, 2010Report Abuse

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