US Highway 178

Pelion, South CarolinaJun 13, 20052 Comments

Thank God they have a police force in Pelion again. All both of them. First thing they wanted was the speed limit lowered on the major roads going through town. Then bamm get out a pencil and start writing. Would warn anyone it is 45 coming into town on SC 302 and US 178. Drop down to 35 and that is what you better be doing. The cars are almost unmarked. Maybe the force is only funded by tickets.

They also have a Deputy from another force that lives in Pelion that has been known to help them out. Not with speeding but he has, on a couple of occasions, chased on foot suspects that bailed and tried to run.
#1Apr 20, 2010Report Abuse
I have been through Pelion like most towns and cities in that area routinely and theres more cops in Pelion then 2, try 2 on at a time working. I also once worked for the state processing tickets & can tell you the lowered speed limits are about liability, usually a change in residential, school or business traffic. Besides the state must send out engineers to approve the change in speed limits. (it must be determined to be a necessity.) Also most of the money from any speeding fines goes to the state, the municipalities themselves see very little of the money. I do see Pelion police enforcing speeding and other traffic stuff in town all the time, but in a county that had the second highest fatality rate in the state not long ago, who can blame them. All the departments in the county should be doing their part and I can't say Ive seen that to be the case. Besides, I don't see anyone hiding behind billboards WITHOUT a radar gun!. so short of that, no speed traps in Pelion.
#2May 02, 2011Report Abuse

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