US Highway 220 near Sign for Bellefonte/Zion PA 550 exit 3/4 mile

Bellefonte, PennsylvaniaJul 25, 20041 Comments

This is on US 220, headed southbound towards State College. The cop sits in a perfect spot, very well-hidden in the bushes just past the sign for the Bellefonte/Zion PA 550 sign (says exit 3/4 mile). Keep an eye out for this, it is easy to spot going north, but you’ll easily miss it heading south.

This is not a speed trap!. informing people where the police hide is not a speed trap. No mention of a tree branch covering speed limit sign yatta yatta. Lets grow up america. you don't need to do 40 plus in a 25 or 60 plus in a 40 and so on. The only time I don't have an issue is if on the interstate where people doing 80 plus. that does not bother me.
#1Apr 08, 2012Report Abuse

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